jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013

The Quest - Lyrics

The Quest has lyrics and you can read them here:

The Quest tiene letra y pueden leerla aquí:

Light-years from home
In an eternal quest
Searching for the soul of stars,
As well as for my own.
Like a child afraid of darkness,
Like a stingray out of water,
Naked in the cosmic ocean,
Thirsty in the sea of questions,
Stepping in ethereal soil,
Leaving footprints in an empty road,
I´m letting fall my stones
and righting my own wrongs.
There is no need to walk away,
It makes no sense breaking into tears.
I will uproot anger and pride,
And will gently look inside.
Being part of all around
But with a cosmos in my heart,
I will finish this useless getaway,
I won´t look for answers far away.
My closed eyes will see my soul
And a free mind will rise above.
Never again I will look at the emptiness

As, my inner being is all I need

martes, 8 de octubre de 2013

23 minutos de música experimental

The Quest is the opening piece from "Vacaciones en Gstaad". It was composed by Franco and me and has a vocal spoken performance by Mara Causin. The basic drone was made with a portable radio through a Jim Dunlop wah wah. We used some software like Mixere and Rebirth and also tape manipulation. We recorded some guitars with a mini-cassette recorded and then twisted them by the use of effects. You´ll also hear alto sax, clarinet and electric guitar among other things. The vocals were also treated with creative distortion and as a texture by the use of Mixere. To listen the piece, click on the player, to download the whole album for free, follow the link below.

THe Quest es la pieza de apertura de "Vacaciones en Gstaad". Fue compuesta por Franco y por mí y tiene una performance vocal hablada de Mara Causin. El drone de fondo fue hecho al pasar una radio portátil a través de un pedal wah wah Jim Dunlop. Usamos software como rebirth y mixere en el tema y también cintas. Grabamos algunas guitarras con un grabador de periodista y luego procesamos severamente esas grabaciones por medio de efectos. También escucharán en la obra saxo alto, clarinete y guitarra eléctrica entre otras cosas. Las voces fueron tratadas con un proceso de distorsión creativa y como una textura por medio de Mixere. Para escuchar la pieza, clickeen en el reproductor, para bajar el álbum entero de forma gratuita, sigan el link que aparece debajo:


Free Music - Embed Audio Files - The Quest

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Jamming with Franco and Kazuo

Yesterday jam with Kazuo Miyahira (Didgeridoo and Bass) and Franco Devizia (Guitar and vocals). I played the alto sax, and for a while nylon guitar and tin whistle. We played some tunes by Dylan, Hendrix and King Crimson and jammed some experimental stuff for a while. It was a very pleasant evening!

Jam de ayer con Kazuo Miyahira (Didgeridoo y bajo) y Franco Devizia (Guitarra y voces). Yo toqué el saxo alto y también la guitarra y el tin whistle. Tocamos temas de Dylan, Hendrix y King Crimson e improvisamos algunas cosas experimentales también. ¡Fue una tarde muy productiva y reconfortante!